Sweet Peas Mixed Colours Tall


Sweet Peas – Mixed Colours Lathyrus odoratus Old-Fashioned Tall Mixture

Plant type: Annual

Height: Up to 6 ft tall, or 2metres

When to sow: Sept, Oct,  Jan, Feb indoors. March, April outdoors.

Flowers : May to September

 How to grow: Sow one seed per individual pot of compost, preferably a tall pot as sweet peas have long root systems. If using a larger pot then sow 3/5 seeds per pot. Lightly cover with compost and water well and place in an area of warmth. Acclimatise before planting out and pinch out the growing tips when approx. 6in tall to ensure bushier plants. Plant out March to April  6-8in apart. Sweet peas need support, it can be a simple stick/branch and string system or a trellis system. They also need tying up as they grow, a simple string will do! Remember to pick flowers regularly as they bloom as this encourages more flowers.

Note sweet pea seeds are poisonous so be careful around children and pets. They are also the favourite seeds of mice so keep seeds and sown seeds out of reach of mice.

Seed Count: 18 seeds

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